Project Development & Transaction Management

Early stage project development is vitally important.
We provide early stage coaching and practical advice to our clients, assisting with the development of a robust business model, identification of partners and structuring of investment to drive growth

Early stage project development is vitally important. 

We offer guidance and assistance to clients to help them optimise their business models and increase performance across their day to day operations, including helping them raise finance by assessing investor readiness and providing transaction management to support the journey to deal closure and align with investor expectations.

Through our customised packages, designed with consideration for each company’s stage of development, we tailor our assistance to optimize time and resources for our entrepreneurs and clients.

PPL provides targeted support and advice on the following areas:

  • Business Coaching & Project Preparation
  • Business Model Formulation & Refinement
  • Business Plan / Investment Memorandum
  • Financial Modelling
  • Investment Structuring
  • Investor Introductions & Transaction Management
  • Negotiation & Deal Closing